About Quinte Health - Our Partners

Quinte Health provides a wide range of high quality health care services to 165,000 people living in the diverse region of Prince Edward and Hastings Counties and the southeast portion of Northumberland County. Quinte Health oversees the integrated complex healthcare system of four hospitals across the Quinte region; Belleville General HospitalNorth Hastings HospitalPrince Edward County Memorial Hospital and Trenton Memorial Hospital.

The PECMH Foundation is an independent, charitable organization and receives direction from Quinte Health about the direction of healthcare delivery across the region, and what equipment needs to be replaced or purchased.

For more information on Quinte Health, visit

Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital (PECMH) provides primary care to the residents of and visitors to The County. It has 18 Ministry of Health funded beds and a range of services, including:

  • Primary Care Medical Inpatients
  • 24/7 Emergency Department
  • Outpatient Clinics (including Crisis Intervention,
    Minor Procedures Clinic, Medical Day Clinic)
  • Pharmacy
  • Inpatient Physiotherapy
  • Diagnostic Imaging including X-Ray, Ultrasound,
    Digital Mammography and Echocardiograms
  • Surgical Services (Endoscopy only)
  • Palliative Care

Surgeon consults with patient

Under Quinte Health’s regional integrated system, County residents often go to Belleville General Hospital (BGH) and Trenton Memorial Hospital (TMH) for medical care, just as patients from other Quinte Health regions come to The County for endoscopic procedures.

On occasion, PECMHF will fund equipment for our regional hospitals within Quinte Health that benefits residents of Prince Edward County. An example is the use of the MRI machine at BGH. Quinte Health allocates a share of the costs proportional to the number of County residents that use those services.

The Dialysis Unit in Picton located at PECMH, part of the South East Regional Renal Program at Kingston Health Sciences Centre, provides County residents who require dialysis with treatment three times a week. Patients no longer need to travel to Belleville or Kingston for this essential service.

During the 2023/24 fiscal year, our County hospital managed 46,500 patient visits.

Thanks to you, our dedicated medical team continues to have access to the tools they need to provide you and your loved ones with exceptional care, close to home. Here’s a snapshot of how PECMH was used last year.

*To protect patient privacy, some numbers have been omitted from this graph.

Our Hospital. Our Legacy.

"PECMHF raises funds to ensure the patients of our hospital and the people of Prince Edward County have access to healthcare, close to home. Years ago, I learned an obvious truth: you don’t plant hardwoods for yourself, but rather for the next generation.


It’s the same way with helping fund our hospital. You may never have to use it, but you almost certainly know someone who someday will. 


We are blessed to have a great hospital here, in Prince Edward County. But we are also blessed to have a diverse population that supports it. That includes full-time residents, local businesses, visitors and seasonal residents. We are all working together in this and everyone has a role to play. Donors have the power to make a tremendous difference. Your donation today, is an investment in our hospital’s future. It’s not just our hospital, it’s our legacy." – Dr. Cliff Rice

"When you plant a tree, you may never live to sit in its shade, but you know someone who will."

Dr. Cliff Rice, retired PEC family physician, planting trees with his grandson Zachary.

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