Dennis Darby, P.Eng., ICD.D is a part-time County resident, having bought a fixer upper on South Bay with his wife Martha a few years ago. He studied Chemical Engineering and Business at McMaster, and much later (25 years or so) completed the Corporate Governance program at the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto. He worked with Procter & Gamble for almost 25 years, and is currently the President and CEO of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. He currently calls Toronto his ‘temporary’ home, with hopes that their time in the County will continue to increase, especially as the renovation and construction projects on South Bay proceed (and he can get their four children of their blended family to help). He is an avid woodworker, boat restorer, and knows almost enough to fix just about anything. He has a passion for communications/key messaging and strategic planning, which bores most of his friends. He joined the PECM Hospital Foundation Board in 2016, and hopes to help do his part to bring other ‘part timers’ to support the long term sustainability of our local hospital.
403 Main Street East, Picton, ON K0K 2T0 | (613) 476-1008 Ext. 4507