PICTON, December 12, 2024 - Community support for Back the Build came racing in again from County Marathon participants.
Brian McLean, the marathon’s new race director, presented the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation (PECMHF) with $9,000 on December 12. The funds were donated by marathoners and community members who pledged support to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation as part of the 2024 race. As with other years, the County Marathon contributed funds as well.
“The County Marathon Committee is thrilled to be able to donate to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation's Back the Build campaign, especially now that shovels have gone into the ground on the new hospital,” said McLean.
For the past 20 years, this 42.2 km and 21.1 km race has taken runners past three lakes and through three villages while surrounding them with the beautiful autumn colours of Prince Edward County. The County Marathon committee is so grateful that the community has embraced the events, especially the many volunteers who have made it happen every year since 2004.
“I'm very proud to be part of the philanthropic community that supports our new County hospital so enthusiastically,” said Nancy Parks, chairperson of the Back the Build campaign. “The hospital provides outstanding care to many in our community. The foundation board of directors and campaign cabinet want to ensure our new hospital has the necessary equipment and resources when illness strikes. It's comforting to know that Prince Edward County will continue to have a great hospital, equipped to make a difference –all because of donors who care.”
The County Marathon committee has donated over $38,000 to PECMHF and remains committed to supporting the local hospital and community.
“The County Marathon has always depended on the support and cooperation of the Prince Edward County community. So many people from The County have come out year after year. Groups such as McDougall Insurance, Visit The County, 99.3 CountyFM, Picton Rotary, Wellington Rotary, Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward, Wellington Dukes, the extraordinary efforts of The County staff and the critically important expertise of the Prince Edward County OPP. These key entities, among others, have collectively allowed us to deliver a first-class running event year after year,” said McLean. “The Marathon Committee has always been eager to continue to give back to the community by supporting our local hospital.”
The County Marathon will host its 2025 race on Sunday, October 5. The Marathon Committee seeks new partners and volunteers for next year’s race. To learn more, email bmclean@thecountymarathon.ca.
The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to raising funds to advance health care for the people of Prince Edward County and the patients of the hospital.
Pictured at the front of the hospital from left: Colin Gillis, branch manager at McDougall Insurance; Trish McLean, a volunteer with the Marathon; Brian McLean, race director; Tim Johnson, technical advisor with the Marathon; Nancy Parks, Back the Build campaign chairperson; Shannon Coull, executive director of the PECMH Foundation; Mayor Steve Ferguson; and Libby Crombie, a member of the Back the Build campaign cabinet.
403 Main Street East, Picton, ON K0K 2T0
info@pecmhf.ca | (613) 476-1008 Ext. 4507